Sapura Setia

Vessel Name : Sapura Setia
Built Year : Singapore, 2005
Vessel Type : Semi-Submersible Self-Erecting


Main Engine CAT 3516BTA
Main Generator Kato AC 6P7
Total Power 7,800 Kw
Emergency Generator CAT 3512BTA, Kato 6P6

Well Control

Diverter 21 1/4 Hydril MSP , 500 PSI
BOP 21 1/4 Hydril MSP, 2K ABOP
21 1/4 Hydril, 2K 2xSRBOP
13-5/8 Hydril GK, 5KABOP
13-5/8 Hydril, 10 K 2xSRBOP & DRBOP
C&K 10,000 PSI
BOP HOIST 55,000 Kg

Drilling Equipment

Derrick MH- Pyramid Bootstrap Mast, Quadruple
Hookload /Setback 1,000 Kips /1,200 Kips
Drawworks Lewco LDW 3,000-3000 HP
Racking Capacity 31,600 ft 5-7/8 DP
Top Drive NOV TDS 8S AC, 750 Tonnes, 62,250 ft-lbs cont torque
Pipe Handling PH-100
Iron Roughneck Hawkjaw Senior, Model 100k-2GSR
Rotary Table Lewco L-495 with 49 1/2 table opening
Power Slips PS-21
Drilling Line 5,000 ft - 1/2 OD
DES Dry Weight 978 MT
DES Number of Lifts 16
Max Platform Height 110 ft

Mud System

Mud Pumps 3 - Lewco W-1712, Triplex , 1600 HP
Pressure Rating 7,500 PSI
Shale Shaker Brandt VSM 300
Mud Gas Seprator 30 OD - 22 ft high with 8" OD Vent line
Degasser Swaco CD-1400 Hurricane

Lifting Equipment

Main Crane Favelle Favco PC 250 with 170ft boom
Main Crane Rating 200 MT @ 20.0 m Radius (DF=2.0)
Deck Crane Favelle Favco 7.5/10K with 140 ft boom
Deck Crane Rating 44 MT @ 7.5m radius (DF=2.0)
Master Skid Crane 2/ Master Skid Knuckle Joint Cranes
Master Skid Crane Rating 7,500 lbs SWL


Drill pipe 5-7/8" DP

Offline Activity Capability

OAC Crane X-Y gantry Crane @ monkey board 12,000 lbs
OAC Power Tong Hawkjaw Senior Model 100k-2GSR
URF Activity Cantilever Yes

Station Keeping

Anchor Wire 8/ 3" OD - 5000ft , galvanised steel wire ropes
Anchors 8/12 MT Delta Flipper + 1- 12 MT Spare Anchor
Mooring Winches 4 - Skagit Smatco Model TMW-300 dual drum, electric , Anchor Traction Winches

Other Features

Lifeboats 4- 70 Person Norsafe JYN85F Survival Crafts
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